When is “too late”? Too late to start a business, change career, make changes in your business/life?

According to Guiseppe Paterno (from The Age this weekend), it’s never too late to finish your degree!

What if we took this approach to all our projects?

Guiseppe didn’t let life get in the way of achieving his goal. He just did it!

So, what have you been postponing? What have you not started because it’s “too late”?

The best time to start any project, in your business and your life, is when you can!

If you’d like more clarity &/or momentum in your business, you may need to optimise your outcomes. Email me (helen@www.helenmac.com) to make a time for a complimentary initial consultation – that small step could be a great start!

What could you start today, to get a better tomorrow?