Change your perspective – change your mind (& it doesn’t require a change of view!).

As leaders, when things are busy (all the time?), there is a danger in getting so focused on the day-to-day “doing” that we forget to look up & check the surrounding business environment.

  • Has something shifted in the competition?
  • Is there a new player/product/offering available?
  • Are there new ways of interacting with customers?
  • Is there an improvement in technology that will change delivery of products/services or internal systems?

This photo is taken from the window of my “office” for the next couple of days. I’ve escaped to the Victorian Alps for a change of scene and a mental/physical break.

Looking at a new view can deliver a range of benefits, including opportunities to expand your thinking.

In the photo, & in business, ask “where do you focus?”. Do you see the storm clouds gathering or do you notice the small patch of blue? Is your eye more drawn to the close-up detail of the trees, the forest in the background or the path wandering through?

Now that I’ve asked you these questions, do you see the picture differently?

Getting an outside perspective, on issues and opportunities in your business, can literally “change your view” without leaving your office!