As we start the journey out of deep-Covid, it’s important that we stay C.A.L.M. and help others to do the same. There’s a different kind of leadership required, in the phase we are entering, of adjusting to a new world that can’t be “back-to-normal”.

Many people will be feeling desperate for a return to the way things were, which may not ever happen.

These four tips may help you and your teams/colleagues/friends to make the transition easier:

> Review what was working/not working BCV (before CoVid)

> Analyse any improvements that were made DCV (during CoVid) and decide which should continue ACV (after CoVid)

> Celebrate wins (even small ones) that happened during the lockdown

> Choose your mindset, on a daily (hourly?) basis, to maximise your opportunities

These four tips may help you and your teams/colleagues/friends to make the transition easier:

What are you doing to stay C.A.L.M? And what are your suggestions for making this next phase more effective?